Thursday 24 May 2012


     Well, I obviously did not return as soon as I'd thought. I'm such a liar. I assumed once my course was done that I'd get right back to blogging, but then the weather got nice and then Earl and I went on a trip to Montreal, and then, and then... I'm really good at excuses. Just ask Earl. Or my Mom. But Mamacita (my preggers baby sister, for those who might not remember) has been harassing me to get back on the blogging horse (I think she's looking for something to read at work), and since she's good enough to care, and is my most loyal reader, and is 32 weeks pregnant in this heat, I'm doing it for her. And for me.

     But all of this aside, I have wanted to return to the blog for a while, and I've had some inspiring moments and ideas. Two weeks ago I was going to write about our Montreal adventure. Last week I was going to write about how I felt about Jim Flaherty and his ideas regarding unemployment. But this week I want to write about something that was inspired by a conversation with my Mom (who is one of my heroes). 

     I have been feeling somewhat down. Money, unemployment, the state of the world, blah, blah, blah. When I feel sad, I call my Mom. She listens, offers suggestions, and reminds me to think about all of the things in my life for which I am grateful. So today I want to think about, and share, some of those things with you.

     I am grateful for my family. I know I have their support and love, no matter what, and there's an awful lot to be said for that. I know I'm so lucky in this regard, and I'm so thankful. Not only do I have a wonderful, supportive set of parents and caring sisters (both of whom have chosen great men as their husbands), but I have two glorious nieces who make me laugh and see things through different eyes, and one more on the way - a promise for the future. And adding to this crazy bunch of blood relations are Earl's sister, brother-in-law and their impending boy-twins, who I can't wait to meet! I'm grateful for families and the excitement that the two pregnancies are bringing to my life.

Crazy Turkey.
     I am grateful for kitties. Especially my kitties, Monkey and Turkey. They are both amazing, but Turkey and I share an extra-special bond (as do Earl and Monkey). Turkey is fat. He yells at you when he's hungry or wants love. He sleeps a lot and when he's awake, he's usually Turkeying around (chasing things we can't see, running from windowsill to windowsill, trying to pick fights with Monkey, looking around for floor snacks,and climbing places he shouldn't). But when I am sad and he lets me snuggle him and breathe in his kitty smell, I am so grateful for his unconditional love.

Curve Lake luna moth.
     I am grateful for nature. Despite things like mosquitoes, cold weather, and grubs, it's amazing how much joy nature can bring. Swimming in a lake (or Georgian Bay!), watching the trees come into bloom, looking for hidden lily of the valley flowers, smelling lilacs, listening to water flow, seeing the sun rise... these things bring peace in a way nothing else can. It's comforting and awe-inspiring at the same time. Recently I was in Curve Lake, and noticed something weird on a store window. When I got closer, I saw it was a huge moth. I'd never seen anything like it, and although I had to get moving to get to an appointment, I just stared at it for what seemed like a very long time. It was so beautiful and unusual. Nature, you amaze me every day.

Whimzy's garden.
     I am grateful for Earl. Sometimes he frustrates me, or makes me sad, but if I didn't love him so much, I wouldn't care. He is an artist, a genius, a recluse, a chef, a religious figure, a gardener, an animal-whisperer, a magician, a mystic, a teller of truth and a foreteller of the future, a lover of music, a fiery mind, an anxious little bunny, and a strong, strong man. This week he has been hard at work transforming our postage-stamp yard into a beautiful secret garden. Blooms and greenery abound, in the most unusual places. We now have a tomato plant (with five - and counting - baby tomatoes!), an herb garden, a beautiful patch of annuals and perennials, baby morning glories getting ready to start their climb up the back fence, bowls of flowers in the rock garden, and a carefully-tended lawn. Sitting in our yard after dark, with candles and incense burning, is like falling into a deep, warm hug - especially knowing Earl has done all of this work himself. And did I mention that I'm grateful for Earl's hugs? He gives great ones. I love me my Earl, and I am grateful for him always.

     So that's my post for today. For what are you grateful?

Monday 9 April 2012


Good news, my blog-reading friends. My online course is now complete, and I will resume regularly-scheduled blogging this week. 
Thanks for your patience!

Thursday 29 March 2012


A year ago today was one of the worst days of my life. It was the day on which I was informed that my teaching contract at the school at which I had been working for three years was not being renewed.

That's all for today.

Sunday 25 March 2012


     Why, hello! It has been a while, hasn't it?

     The last time I posted it was early February. There was snow on the ground, I was just starting my online course, and my sister was newly pregnant with an unsexed baby the size of an avocado. Now we are into full-blown spring, my course is almost over, I still haven't found gainful employment for the upcoming school year, my parents have been to Cambodia and back, and Mamacita's foetus is now known to be a girl the size of a large mango. (I'm fascinated by the app she's using that describes her unborn baby's size in relation to produce - last week babe was a spaghetti squash.) On top of this we've learned another very close friend is having twins due two months after my new niece is scheduled to appear. Those babies are lemons this week. Last week they were peaches. The expectant mamas use the same app. And what is new with you?

      I've decided to write about friends today. I've been thinking about friends a lot lately. I think in part because as the weather gets nicer I get more interested in leaving my hibernation hole, and am looking for friends with whom to spend time. It's hard to make friends as you get older - I've talked to a number of people recently about this topic. I've had some success making friends through Twitter, and this is why I call it my sandbox for grownups. You know how, as a kid, you walk up to another kid in the sandbox and either formally invite them to play with you by saying "hey, wanna play?" or even more organically, you just sit down with that child, figure out what he/she is playing, and just join in? That doesn't work so well as an adult. But I have invited a few women out for coffee after chatting on Twitter. In one case she then invited me to join her on an adventure and I stood her up and we haven't spoken since (which I feel very badly about, but because I know I was in the wrong, and am emotionally 12, I haven't been able to apologize. I know if she reads this here she'll know what I'm talking about and at least know how badly I feel about what I did to her). In the other case we have moved from coffee at a downtown shop to the more comfortable venue of our own homes, and I really value and enjoy the conversations I have with her.

Robert Smith - in case you are
not a child of the 80s
and the allusion meant
nothing to you.
     I've also been thinking about old friends. I'm not on Facebook, mostly because there aren't too many people from my past I want to reconnect with, but through Linkedin I've "been found" by two old friends in the last month or so. The first was my BESTEST friend in the whole world in high school. We grew apart as our lives followed different paths, but yesterday I went to Toronto to re-meet her after 20+ years and it was amazing. We hugged, and then just stood and looked at each other. It's quite something to see someone at 40 you last knew at 18 - so much the same, but enough different that it fries one's brain a bit. She's gained weight, but so have I. I have a lot more grey hair than she does. Neither of us wear our make-up Robert Smith style anymore (in fact, neither of us wear make-up!). Neither of us have had children. We have both found great men with whom to to settle down, and we both have cats. We spent the day wandering through our favourite old haunts (Queen W, Kensington Market, Yonge St) with our mouths running a mile a minute. When she had to catch her bus home to Guelph I was sad, but know that I'll see her again.

     The other Linkedin connection was a girl I befriended when she was the girlfriend of another friend of mine while I was at college. We stayed friends after they broke up, but somehow I lost track of her as well. (I'm realizing my memory is horrible. I blame being 40. I like to blame that for most of my failings, but mostly because it's funny, and socially acceptable, not because I think being 40 is bad.) Strangely, this girl contacted me the night before my other friend and I were scheduled to meet. This girl has moved to California since I knew her, so doubt we'll be meeting up any time soon, but I can't wait to find out what she's been up to in the last 15 years or so. I wonder if she still taps her cigarette in that awkward way, and laughs easily like she used to? I hope she's happier than she was when we were last friends. I'll find out when she emails me back!

This is Tiffy. Can you see why
I love her? She's so fun.
     I've also been thinking about three other friends - Jeskoka, a former co-worker and friend who I paid tribute to in my Grammar post, and miss very much despite the fact that we talk semi-regularly; Annie, who was my best friend in elementary school and with whom I've stayed in touch since on and off; and Tiffy, who was my best university friend and who holds the title of best friend to this day, despite the fact that she lives on the other side of this really big country and also despite the fact that I don't call her as much as I should. (I know, I know...). I want to call all three of them today. I probably won't, because I'm a horrible procrastinator and don't really like talking on the phone very much, but I feel like I'm closer to committing to doing it by blogging about it. Maybe they'll read this and know I'm thinking about them.

     I'm really proud of myself for blogging today. Earl and Mamacita (who I would also call friends, although I'm more likely to call Earl partner or husband (of the unofficial variety) and Mamacita is little sis) have been "bugging" me (in a loving way) to get back on my blog horse, so now I've done it. I now need to get back to my online course because a new module starts today (SIDE NOTE - every time I write or think the word 'module' I think 'nodule' and that's such a gross word.) and I haven't put my procrastination pants on yet, so might as well get at 'er. Hopefully I've got you thinking about your friends today. Call them. Right now.

Sunday 12 February 2012


     Hi blogosphere! I'm feeling more than a little guilty that I haven't been posting regularly enough, so I wanted to touch base.

     I recognize that with only six followers, it's not like I'm letting down legions of fans, but I know I have some loyal readers (Hi Mamacita!). As I forecast in my post on school, my online course is taking up a lot of my time, and asking me to do a lot of writing. The reason I started this blog was to get me writing on a regular basis, and to give me something to do - I am able to meet both of these needs at this time through my course. I do intend to keep blogging (it's a bit addictive!), but can't speculate with what regularity until I complete the course in early April. So please check back every so often, and when I do post I'll announce it on Twitter and/or via text message for those of you who do read regularly. In the meantime, I'm happy to accept anyone's suggestions for content (as my mind is full of exceptional children and special education these days - not of great interest to a general audience).

If anyone is looking for great blog reading in the meantime, check out some of my favourites: Thought Catalog and Go Go Gadget Zen.

See you back here soon!

Tuesday 7 February 2012


     Now, I must preface this post with the statement that I do not think my grammar is perfect.  I think it's pretty good, but I fully acknowledge that there may be grammatical errors in any one of my posts, including this one.

     To me, grammar matters. I addressed this topic once before, in a roundabout way, in this post, but today I'd like to deal with it head-on. The primary motivator for this post was a Twitter suggestion from my friend Jessica in Muskoka (from hereafter known as Jeskoka). Sometimes I can't decide what to write about, and I tweet and wait for suggestions, and they usually only come after I've already thought up an idea - such was the case with this one. Actually, travel was Mamacita's idea, to give credit where it is due. So Jeskoka, here's your grammar post.

     Both Jeskoka and I teach English. This might be one of the reasons we are snobs about grammar. Our parents are definitely also contributing factors to our appreciation for flawless grammar. Jeskoka's mom has a lovely little used book shop and loves to read and really appreciates beautiful language. She also does not hesitate to speak her mind, and will freely correct anyone should they fail to use correct grammar in her presence. She instilled all of these qualities in her daughter. I get hit on both sides by the grammar stick. My Mom has editing credentials, and my Dad used to use a red pen to correct errors on notices sent home by my school and then I would have to return them to school with his corrections. A bit horrifying at the time, but terrifically cool to me now.

     It has long been a dream of mine to get a cape and a convertible and spend my summers driving around, helpfully correcting any grammatical and spelling errors I see on signs by drawing said errors to the attention of the establishments' owners. I know it would probably get me a punch in the face, many confused expressions and at least a few mutterings of "self-righteous bitch", but I think it would be really fun. I would focus my search in the SE United States, because I have a feeling it would be a minefield of goodness. And the convertible would have to be red. I don't care so much what colour the cape is.

     As a teacher, I have seen many, many amusing student grammar gaffes. Some of them have come from ESL students, but although sometimes I can't help it, I really try not to make fun of Engrish. Who am I to laugh at another person's speaking of my language, when I am a total toolshed when it comes to speaking anything but English? The ones I think are the funniest are from kids who should know better. (And let's face it, some of them are typos, and I sometimes make those myself, but I like it when those typos create new meaning. The best one I've seen so far was an essay with the title "Lord of the Files". For some reason it had me imagining a 'Riverdance' style lord of the dance skipping through an office, balancing files on his head. That would have been better than the 384th Lord of the Flies essay, which is what it turned out to be.)

     You may recall from this post that Earl and I met online. When I was reading the posts on that site (before I met Earl and fell madly in love), I really judged men for their incorrect use of grammar. People who don't care about grammar are offensive to me. How can you not care? You don't need to be grammatically perfect, you just need to want to be. I've developed crushes on authors I've never met or seen in photos, based on their brilliant use of, and manipulation of, the rules of grammar.

     I take quite a bit of pride in my proper use of grammar. I'm one of those geeks who uses punctuation and full and correct spelling in text messages and tweets. A full keyboard was a necessity on my last cell phone after trying to use one without. It's frustrating to always be looking for the semi-colon, ya know?

     And speaking of semi-colons, they are one of the best tools to helping me identify plagiarism in student writing. About 4% of grade 11s and 16% of grade 12s (statistics have been pulled out of my armpit - please don't cite this in any scientific paper) know how to use a semi-colon properly. When I see one appropriately used in an essay, I immediately become suspicious. Semi-colons are my grammar police sidekicks.

     So Jeskoka, I hope you've enjoyed this. I know grammar can be a contentious issue, but Jeskoka can be pretty contentious herself sometimes. I haven't gone into many specific examples in this post, but if you have a favourite grammar gaffe, please share it in the comments. Maybe I'll learn something new!

Saturday 4 February 2012


     Remember when the internet was young (or maybe it was just me) and there were all kinds of "chain emails" going around?  One of my favourites (and generally the only one I'd ever forward) was the one that asked a lot of questions about the person - a 'get to know me' type of email.  I also love filling out forms, so maybe this quality appealed to me, but I'm always so curious about people, and assume maybe someone is curious about me (am I flattering myself?).  For the purpose of today's blog, I thought I'd go back in time and fill out one of those old surveys in case any of you are dying to know about my underwear.

1. What is your best friend’s name? My best girlfriend is named Tiffany.  She is a Montessori principal in Vancouver.  My best overall friend is Earl.  He is my cohabitational living partner, and is an artist in the city of Peterborough.
2. What color underwear/boxers are you wearing now?  I am wearing purple underpants with turquoise trim with a silver robot on the front.

What I wish I was listening to right now.
3. What are you listening to right now? Nothing, as Earl is sleeping at the moment.  When he wakes up I'll put on Side 2 of the new Leonard Cohen album I was listening to last night.
4. What’s your favorite number?  3.  I have no reason for this.  
5. What was the last thing you ate?  I'm sitting here hungry, thinking I should have breakfast, but as of this moment the last thing I ate was a handful or two of homemade peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies before bed last night.
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?  This is a stupid question.  I refuse to answer.  
7. How is the weather right now? Sunny, cold (but not usual February cold, just cold compared to the last few days), dusting of snow last night but most of the lawn is green.  Crazy winter.
I would not date this man.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Last night I used the phone as an intercom to tell Earl that dinner was ready.  Last actual phone call was night before last with my old friend from high school - 20 years' worth of catch-up in an hour!
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?  Clothing.  I'm really shallow and easily put off by bad shoes or anything Nascar-related.
10. Do you have a significant other?  Yes.  His name is Earl and we've been together since August '08.  (See Q1)    
11. Favorite TV show?  I'm one of those "I don't really watch TV" people, but not because I'm too good for it.  Because I can't afford cable.  We DO get the local Peterborough channel, and enjoy (if that's a euphemism for 'relentlessly make fun of and laugh at in an ironic way') watching Reba while we eat dinner.  I also have a passion for reality TV, especially The Amazing Race, Top Chef, Celebrity Apprentice and Survivor.  Quit judging me.
Baby Avacado?
12. Siblings?  Yes - two amazing sisters.  I haven't always liked them, but I will always, always love them.  Sis is 37 and Mamacita is 28.  They both live in the waterfront middle-Ontario town in which I grew up.  Sis is a physiotherapist, is married to Mark, and has two awesome little girls - TT (age 6 1/2) and C (age 4 1/2).  Mamacita works in social work, is married to OPPete, and is preggo with her first little one, who she calls Avacado.

13. Height?  Really freakin' tall.  About 5ft 11, but people prefer to hear me say 6 feet.  And yes, I do wear heels.  Not often, but when they are called for.
14. Hair color?  When I was born it was light brown.  Through my teens and twenties it was aften red, reddish-brown, burgundy, black, blonde, purple, pink...  Now it is grey on top because I've recently stopped dying it.
15. Eye Color?  Brown.
16. Do you wear contacts? Nope.  I'm a proud glasses-wearer and I've never felt the need for contacts.  (People who wear them whine about them so often that I've never wanted them.)

17. Favorite Holiday?  Halloween.  Although it's never as much fun as I think it's going to be.
18. Month?  July.  It's warm and there are no expensive gift-giving occasions (until Avacado is born, anyway!)

19. Have you ever cried for no reason? I cry for no reason about once a day.  Especially when I'm tired.
I used to think this movie
was so cool.  I knew all the
words to the soundtrack.
20. What was the last movie you watched?  I re-watched most of Singles the other day.  I think the last movie I saw in the theatre was Up.  I don't get out much.
21. Favorite day of the year?  My birthday, probably.  Except that really it isn't because the weather always sucks, and people are busy thinking about Christmas.  When I'm employed my favourite day is the day after the final report cards are finished and school is over for another year.
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?  Well, I asked Earl if he wanted to go to the Market with me this morning, does that count?  I am actually pretty shy.  Earl and I met online, and I didn't even message him - I just 'favourited' him in the hopes that he'd message me - and he did!  The rest is history.

23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? Umm, no?  I used to be able to, but probably can't anymore. 
24. Hugs or Kisses?  Depends who's giving them.  If it's Monkey or Turkey, kisses.  Almost everyone else - hugs.  If it's Earl - both.

25. Chocolate or Vanilla?  Oh so chocolate.  Except I like vanilla cake better than chocolate cake, as long as it has chocolate icing.
26. What books are you reading?  Currently I'm reading Andrew Pyper's The Guardians, and Michael Connelly's The Last Coyote.  I have a huge pile of good books I keep meaning to read, but get sidetracked by $1 detective/mystery novels from Vinnie's.
27. Piercings?  I'm down to two in one ear and one in the other.  Used to have four in one ear and one in my nose, with my bottom ear holes in stretchers.  Guess I'm growing up.
28. Favorite movies?  Depends on the mood.  I actually prefer TV shows - my attention span is short.  I LURVE documentaries, especially if David Attenborough is narrating.

LOVE the Farmers' Market! Today I
bought cheese curds, potatos, a date
square and some Indian food goodies.           
29. What were you doing before this?  I've been doing this on and off all morning.  Before I started I was sleeping.  I also took a break to visit the Farmers' Market and run some errands (somewhere between Q15 and 16).
30. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?  Real popcorn with loads of butter and salt.  Microwave popcorn doesn't count because it smells like dirty socks.
31. Dogs or cats? CATS!!!!!  There are only a few dogs I like - my nephew-dog Colby (golden retriever) comes first, followed by my cousin-dog Finn (also a golden) and my sister-in-law's dog Pepper (a mini-dashund) and then my neighbour-dog Licky (also a mini-dashund).  I also like the dog at the house where I tutor - her name is Lucy and she's a weimaraner.  Beyond that, I don't really like dogs.

So pretty!  They are the
happiest flowers.
32. Favorite flower?  Gerbera daisy.  Or anything Earl picks for me.
33. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?  Probably.  Actually, I'm often busted being on Twitter instead of writing my blog, so that counts.
34. Have you ever loved someone?  YES!  I love lots of people.
35. Who would you like to see right now?  Tiffany.  Or Mamacita because I haven't seen her in person since she started showing and can't wait to see the baby bump.
36. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?  Sort-of.  I should be in better touch with her, but I still talk to my friend Annie who was my best friend in elementary school.  We met in nursery school.
37. Have you ever fired a gun?  No.  I am very afraid of guns.  Earl thinks we should have one.  OPPete and Mamacita both know how to fire guns, and have some at their house.  I don't even like being in the same room in which they are stored.
38. Do you like to travel by plane?  I do, but usually my nicotine withdrawal and claustrophobia kick in about half-way through a flight and I get a bit grumpy.  But I really like the food on airplanes.  I like the single-serving aspect of everything.  Do they still serve food on planes?  It's been a while...

39. Right-handed or Left-handed?  Total righty.

My favourite tattoo.
(Not a great photo of my
leg, however...)
40. How many pillows do you sleep with?  There are six on the bed, but two get tossed at bedtime along with the quilt, and then I usually lose another during the night.  Earl sleeps on one and snuggles one.
41. Are you missing someone?  Sort-of, but not badly.  I miss my family when I don't see them for a while, nd I miss my friends Jess in Muskoka and Tiffany in Vancouver.   
42. Do you have a Tattoo?  Yes, I have four.  One on my back, one on each wrist, and one on my left leg.  It's my favourite.  It's a sketch done by my friend Reba.  I want to get one more to balance the symmetry.  My next tattoo will be a memorial tattoo on my right leg and will say "The rest is silence." with a list of initials and birth/death dates of people I've lost.  Bonus points if you can tell me the source of the quotation!   

     So...  that's me today.  If there are any other questions you are dying to know about me, feel free to ask in the 'Comments' section!  This post has been brought to you by MySpace, the year 2003, and the letter Z.