I've decided to write about friends today. I've been thinking about friends a lot lately. I think in part because as the weather gets nicer I get more interested in leaving my hibernation hole, and am looking for friends with whom to spend time. It's hard to make friends as you get older - I've talked to a number of people recently about this topic. I've had some success making friends through Twitter, and this is why I call it my sandbox for grownups. You know how, as a kid, you walk up to another kid in the sandbox and either formally invite them to play with you by saying "hey, wanna play?" or even more organically, you just sit down with that child, figure out what he/she is playing, and just join in? That doesn't work so well as an adult. But I have invited a few women out for coffee after chatting on Twitter. In one case she then invited me to join her on an adventure and I stood her up and we haven't spoken since (which I feel very badly about, but because I know I was in the wrong, and am emotionally 12, I haven't been able to apologize. I know if she reads this here she'll know what I'm talking about and at least know how badly I feel about what I did to her). In the other case we have moved from coffee at a downtown shop to the more comfortable venue of our own homes, and I really value and enjoy the conversations I have with her.
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Robert Smith - in case you are not a child of the 80s and the allusion meant nothing to you. |
The other Linkedin connection was a girl I befriended when she was the girlfriend of another friend of mine while I was at college. We stayed friends after they broke up, but somehow I lost track of her as well. (I'm realizing my memory is horrible. I blame being 40. I like to blame that for most of my failings, but mostly because it's funny, and socially acceptable, not because I think being 40 is bad.) Strangely, this girl contacted me the night before my other friend and I were scheduled to meet. This girl has moved to California since I knew her, so doubt we'll be meeting up any time soon, but I can't wait to find out what she's been up to in the last 15 years or so. I wonder if she still taps her cigarette in that awkward way, and laughs easily like she used to? I hope she's happier than she was when we were last friends. I'll find out when she emails me back!
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This is Tiffy. Can you see why I love her? She's so fun. |
I'm really proud of myself for blogging today. Earl and Mamacita (who I would also call friends, although I'm more likely to call Earl partner or husband (of the unofficial variety) and Mamacita is little sis) have been "bugging" me (in a loving way) to get back on my blog horse, so now I've done it. I now need to get back to my online course because a new module starts today (SIDE NOTE - every time I write or think the word 'module' I think 'nodule' and that's such a gross word.) and I haven't put my procrastination pants on yet, so might as well get at 'er. Hopefully I've got you thinking about your friends today. Call them. Right now.
When I saw the top of Robert Smith's hair, I was really hoping it was going to be your old passport photo. Oh well...
ReplyDeleteI miss you to, and am pleased to have made the cut of friends you've been thinking about (despite the possibility that it could be because you thought "can't forget Jess because she reads my blog." I'm cool with that.)I've been thinking about you, too, and really must get down there some time to visit, catch up, and meet the kitties, of course.
I'm also pleased you posted today as it reminded I had a post to add to my own blog (the running one -- sorry!)
Good luck with the nodule, ahem, module, and give my best to Earl and the feline ginger twins.
One of these days I'll scan and post my old passport photo. And it just might wind up on the 'Robert Smith' Google image search page.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we know each other at all, but I found you on Twitter this past weekend. I've been in this city for over a decade and have not made a lot of friends here. Maybe some day we will cross paths in person? Take care. @momofbean
ReplyDeleteLet's cross our paths! Would you like to go for coffee this week?