Saturday, 7 January 2012


     Well, I got a bit off-track yesterday and didn't wind up posting.  Earl and I went to Toronto to see some friends, run some errands and buy Earl a new record for our vinyl collection. (He settled for Mercury Rev's Deserter Songs after struggling between that and a re-release by Throbbing Gristle.  I was pleased with the outcome of the decision.)  When I got home I sat at the computer, drawing blank after blank as to what to write about.  Earl suggested writing about our drive. but really it was uneventful, so not much to say there.  (He did make an interesting comment on the drive though, that I'll share with you now.  "If you have to change radio stations more than once on your way to work because they go out of range, you're commuting too far.")   I could write about Toronto, and the things I miss about it VS the reasons I'm glad I don't live there anymore, but... wasn't feeling it.  
     Then I panicked.  I thought "Damn.  I'm only four days into this project and feeling writer's block already?"  That was discouraging.  So I meandered my way into the kitchen, ate a hot dog and some coleslaw, and came back to my desk.  Still nothing.  Pressure.  There might actually be people reading this (at least my sister promised she would on a regular basis) - so what is interesting enough to talk about?
     So then I spent a bunch of time on Twitter looking for inspiration.  I'm not informed enough to write about news or sports, and that's pretty much all that was trending, so I closed my computer and went to bed.  But I did feel a little niggle of guilt for not maintaining my 'post a day' promise to myself... in the 30 seconds it took me to fall asleep.  

     Then I woke up feeling guilty today.  That's a horrible feeling to wake up with, especially when you went to bed early, sober, and with your partner beside you!  After a quick trip to the Ptbo Farmer's Market (one of my very favourite places), a delicious local breakfast, and after tucking Earl in for his "big boy nap" (he wakes up ungodly early - I think it was 3:30am this morning - and sometimes needs a nap mid-day), I sat back down at my desk and said, "Come hell or high water, I'm writing a post this morning!".
     But I still don't have a focus.  And I refuse to be like those students who, when assigned a speech to write, write it about not knowing what to write about.  There's one in every class.  But this post is beginning to get that kind of a feel...  Sigh.  Time to try something new.  
     So I just went on Twitter to appeal for a topic suggestion.  My friend Shaun (who coincidentally was one of the friends we were visiting in the city yesterday) suggested 'Peterborough violence and the ginger soldiers that protect us all'.  A good topic indeed.  Some of my favourite people are gingers (including Shaun).  I've touched on Ptbo violence in a previous blog (making reference to the stabby nature of some of its residents) as well.  
     A note on gingers - did you know that red hair, blue eyes and lefthandedness, when possesed together, make you the rarest genetic combination?  I can't support that with evidence, as I don't know where I heard it, but I remember thinking if I had red hair, blue eyes and was lefthanded I'd be more special than I am now.
     Okay, this is dissolving.  If I was to mark this blog post, I'd give it a C for lack of focus.  Maybe this is an example of knowing when to call it a day, and just read a book instead.  Until tomorrow...

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