Monday, 23 January 2012


     I feel badly that I haven't posted since Thursday, so I thought I'd justify my lack of blogging by talking about how I spent my weekend.  (Even unemployed people know when it's the weekend!)  Also, to make it up to the 4 or 5 people who read my blog, I'm trying to redeem myself by making my posts more exciting - guess who learned to import images?

     It's been a very exciting last few days.  Friday brought some great news for Earl; we stopped by the Art Gallery of Peterborough to drop off a few of his pieces that have been accepted for display in their upcoming Triennial exhibition, and we learned that one of his pieces, Pour Man (shown on the left) has been chosen as the promotional image for the show! (Check out  This was very cool to learn, as it's Earl's first show.  He was a bit overwhelmed, and I loved seeing him so proud of himself.  Then we got a chance to meet the curator of the gallery as well, Carla Garnet, and that was a real treat.  
     From there we came home to wait to hear whether or not Earl had been accepted into a second juried show, this one happening at a gallery in Midland.  We had learned earlier in the day that someone else who had entered had not been accepted and had been notified via email but Earl had yet to hear anything by mid-afternoon.  You know when you're waiting for news, and every moment is endless?  We tried to watch Cocktail but Earl's attention was quite split as he kept looking at his inbox to see if he'd been notified.  Finally, just before 5pm, knowing that's when the gallery closed and knowing we couldn't wait all weekend for news, I finally put on my Earl-wranglin' hat and called the gallery to see if he'd made it.  
     Aaaaaaand he did!  Both of the pieces he entered were accepted!  This was super-exciting news, as only 37 pieces out of the nearly 200 submitted were accepted.  Earl breaks into a new market!  We celebrated by ordering pizza, and then all of the nerves, anxiety, excitement and exhilaration of the day caught up to us and we called it an early night.

     Saturday started with a trip to the Farmer's Market, and then we headed to Oshawa to visit Earl's grandparents.  We spent a full day with them, and came home sleepy - no blogging for me.

     Sunday dawned, and we wanted to do something special to celebrate Earl's acceptances and budding art career.  We decided to head to the McMichael Gallery in Kleinburg to see their Group of Seven collection.  As it turned out, they were also having an exhibit on Norval Morriseau and Woodland artists - another house favourite - so it was a great time to go.  I especially liked the Shaman and Disciple piece shown on the right.  The coolest part of the visit for me was seeing Tom Thompson's shack.  He lived in this shack in a Toronto ravine during the winters when he was not in Algonquin Park and it has since been moved onto the McMichael grounds.  It really is the coolest place - everything one would need to be cozy and make art through a cold winter.  It really captivated me.  A woodstove for cooking and warmth, a tiny desk and bed set up in a loft above, a big table and lots of natural light - I wanted to move in!

     When we finally got home again on Sunday night, dinner consisted of the leftover pizza from Friday and another early night.  Earl suggested I blog while he slept, but the urge to sleep myself was too great, so I have failed in my attempt to write five times a week, but I'm sticking with it, and I thank those of you who are sticking with the reading of it!  I hope it keeps getting better... and I really appreciate your comments!
     So that was my weekend.  How was yours?  Just before I sign off for today, I've had some news I've been DYING to share for a few weeks but didn't get the go-ahead until today, so I can finally go public with he news that my baby sister is preggers!  (She's not really a baby, in fact, she's nearly 30, but she's the first person I know who I held as a newborn who is now having a baby of her own.)  Congratulations to my Baby Boo, known from now on as Mamacita! Congratulations should also go out to OPPete and Colby-dog.  Good luck putting up with her while she's expecting!  
     Stay tuned for updates on this one, as I'm a super-proud auntie-to-be!  The new babe will join my nieces T and C in a very special spot in my heart. Can't wait for July 20.  I love you already, little one.  Can't wait to meet you!


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